Thursday 20 April 2006

India: the Golden Triangle - Pushkar

My suspicions were well founded - breakfast consisted of potato cutlets, fruit and bread. We strolled back to our room to the teeth-grinding throb of the hotel's generator reluctantly providing electricity after yet another powercut in India.

We later shopped in hippyville for shirts, haggling with the tailor to save important decimal places of currency.

Once the heat of the afternoon had died down, we headed out of the town on a camel safari. As we wondered through villages we seemed strangely invisible to all the locals, except to very small children who would make little welcoming hand gestures to accompany shouts of 'hello meester'. At one point, a cricket match had to be temporarily halted as we lumbered through the midddle of the pitch and onwards through groups of brightly dressed women heading for the temple at sunset.


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