Sunday 19 October 2008

Oman: colon cleanse, sir?

In accordance with Mrs M T’ customer care policy, I teetered across the cool sand with two cups of tea for Al and Lizzi on their barbeque rack. We take a holistic approach to the care of our travellers and Al is now getting into the habit of eating breakfast. This morning he ate his last dying wish meal: beans on toast and a cup of tea.

Back on the road once again, we continued eastwards towards Sur and Ras Al Hadd. At the Turtle Beach Resort we took another spot of lunch as an excuse to eat the finest chips in Oman.

There was much chilling on the beach. Late in the afternoon, several more guests arrived including one elderly group of Europeans sporting disturbingly small Speedos. This could send Al over the top.

As darkness fell, equipped with fresh adventure slacks, we sat in the restaurant as the waft of barbeque lighter preceded the smell of grilled fish. We were first to the chips.

Despite my reassurances, Mrs M’s repeated glances at her watch were an indication that we should be leaving to see the turtles. I grunted as she admitted I was right as we waited on the beach for the staff to get organised. There were only two turtles on show this evening to suffer the indignity of having torch shone up their rear parts by a crowd of humans.

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