Sunday 30 June 2013

Singapore: The inevitable Sling

After a leisurely morning, the extended family visited the Raffles Long Bar to sample the island’s famous rip-off cocktail, the Singapore Sling. Jess was uncomfortable with the concept of throwing peanut shells on the floor, but was happy to provide details of the sexual proclivities of airline staff during a layover.

In the afternoon, I returned to Orchard Road with the Other Ms for a spot of shopping while Jess had her eyebrows
tattooed (yes, tattooed).

While I barbequed a splendid butterflied leg of lamb in the evening, Jess made arrangements to blag her way onto a plane back to England. We waved goodbye as her taxi departed for Changi, half expecting her to return a few hours later. Later that night, we received a text stating that she had managed to wangle a seat on a flight. That girl has some balls.

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