Thursday 25 February 2010

Oman: One last pit roast.....

Dhow - Ash Shiruq
The fishermen were clanging around on the beach before the sun popped over the horizon filling the cloudy sky with patches of multicoloured light. As the sky grew lighter, a scruffy dhow chugged to a point in front of the fisherman to become the focal point for smaller fishing craft, large numbers of seagulls and several dolphins that played excitedly in the area.

At 12 o’clock (yes, really), it was time to start preparations for the evening dinner of pit-roast lamb. Once prepared and wrapped in numerous layers of foil, the leg was placed on top of the fire in the pit, covered with mFishing boat - Ash Shiruqore coals and finally buried under sand until the evening (full instructions available here).

It was a wonderfully warm afternoon for fishing, collecting edible crabs or photographing nervous seagulls, dead dolphins (with maggoty entrails - eew) and dead turtles. Meanwhile, a couple of fishermen cast their nets and blocks of polystyrene right in front of our camp. There was nowhere else to fish obviously.

At 5 o’clock the fire was lit to warm the pre-cooked jacket spuds while Ian and Jan prepared vegetables on the barbecue. Two hours later, I dug up dinner and unwrapped the succulent lamb which, after six hours of slow cooking, just fell off the bone. The team effort came together with a glass or two of wine under the gazebos creating another wonderful memory to take away from Oman.

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