Thursday 21 June 2012

UK: Welsh summer

Summer in Wales
Fuelled by a superb full English breakfast, we went for a walk with Jan and Lucas along the cliffs at Three Cliffs Bay. The rain soaked through our coats as we strolled down to the beach where happy sand-covered dogs with waggy tails and uncontrollable tongues explored nooks and crannies with their owners. In Singapore, we are used to seeing dogs (the few that there are) plodding along the road beside reluctant maids pushing buggies while chatting on mobile phones (the maids, not the dogs).  

‘The weather’s not this bad in summer’, said Lucas, not realising that it actually was supposed to be summer in mid-June.

With sodden clothing, earache and rosy cheeks, we sat in the Cliffs Coffee Shop with other equally damp-smelling locals sheltering from the weather. There was nothing else to do but consume large amounts of tea and cake.

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