Saturday 7 August 2010

Singapore: Qun Zhong Eating House

Qun Zhong Eating House - noodle with minced beefThe Qun Zhong Eating House is a very popular restaurant on the edge of Chinatown - so popular in fact, it is necessary to queue outside until selected by the owner. After ten minutes, we strolled past the group in front and took our seats inside which were still warm from the previous occupants.

We made a selection from the standard 15 items on the menu and the A4 poster on the wall, including noodle with minced beef and soya bean paste, mixed seafood and pork dumplings (boiled), Chinese pizza, and pan-fried seafood and pork dumplings. So simple, so good. The noodle with minced beef and pork was a triumph. Mrs M has discovered red bean paste pancake.

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