Monday 17 April 2006

India: the Golden Triangle - Nawalgarh to Jaipur

The two-hour drive to Jaipur was uneventful, except for Mrs M's request to the driver to find a pharmacy to buy not-normally-available-over-the counter medicines. The driver's first attempt was a vetenarian pharmacy, but we eventually found one suitable for humans and continued on our way.

We arrived at the Samode Palace at 2.30pm. Situated 10km north of Jaipur, the palace has an impressive façade hiding a series of courtyards and corridors on many levels. Original decorated walls and ceilings mix perfectly with modern fittings to create an atmosphere of great luxury.

The swimming pool beckoned. While recumbent, we noticed dark clouds moving in and the sound of distant thunder. Before long we were dashing for cover as rain plummeted on scurrying hotel staff.

Dinner was a disappointing buffet. Nonetheless, we filled our boots and walked back to our room with the unusual smell of dampness in the air.

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